Author(s) | Caslav Pejovic |
Publisher | Informa Law from Routledge |
Date | 2020 |
Pages | 292 |
Format | epub |
Size | 2 Mb |
D O W N L O A D |
Today, there are numerous titles available on the subject of the transport documents that are usually in use when arranging the marine transportation of the cargo, and this particularly relates to the bill of lading. However, the present publication was released to bring some absolutely fresh view combined with the comparative approach to the subject documents.
Note that different jurisdictions have been covered in addition to the traditionally dominating English law, and the comparison is provided of the civil and common law wherever same was considered appropriate. The volume will provide readers with a good historical background as well as the development perspective in connection with the above mentioned transport documents from the very first appearances and up to today.
This results in the good and professional insight into the development of the international shipping law over the decades and centuries, and application of its values and basic essential principles. The author analyzes the legal issues addressing the transport paperwork, supplementing the theory with the fresh ideas, making the title even more practically useful in today’s world. It is an excellent choice for the students of the maritime law entities as well as the lawyers, but will be equally valuable to the other parties involves in the transportation, such as the masters, officers, shore support offices etc.
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