

the cruising multihull

Author(s) Chris White
Publisher International Marine/McGraw-Hill
Date 1996
Pages 268
Format pdf
Size 37.7 Mb







Chris White wrote the book which we are now presenting to your attention, with the intention to supply readers with the very latest info on the design and construction matters, rigs and safety, seamanship techniques and all other issues related to the multihull cruising. It will definitely assist people in determining whether the multihull is the right choice for them. And the main objective of the book, of course, was to tell readers how to take maximum from their boats.

The publication provides an extremely thorough survey of the modern multihull boats. The amount of the material included in the book, and its quality, make it equally valuable to the strangers to such boats, and to the professionals in cruising the multihulls. We enthusiastically recommend it to both categories of boaters. Though it was written and released some time ago, the actual physics of sailing the multihull boat remains unchanged.

In addition, there have no changes been made in the construction materials happen during the past decades - same glass, carbon, epoxy, wood, foam and polyester are being used today. That is why we insist that this book did not lose even a smallest part of its topicality and highly recommend it for use.

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