

Mitigation of Hydrodynamic Resistance

Author(s) Marc Perlin, Steven Ceccio
Publisher World Scientific Pub Co Inc.
Date 2015
Pages 164
Format pdf
Size 9 Mb







The text contained in this publication describes the state-of-the-art in the field of the friction and resistance reduction techniques for crafts and bodies that operate in liquids and under the free surface. The volume is expected to be very useful for the professionals with the relevant background, namely in fluid dynamics.

The active resistance control includes a discussion specifically concerning the friction resistance, for instance via the injection of gas forming air layers and polymers initially residing adjacent to the hull. The publication is discussing the passive resistance control commonly achieved through the changes in the shape of the hull together with its appendages covering the application of different lifting bodies, as well as stern flaps and bulbous bows of the ships. The authors have also addressed the passive skin friction reduction through application of various special hull coatings plus other elements of the ship hull husbandry.

The content of the volume will definitely be of great interest to the professionals including practicing engineers, specialists and researchers in various fields of tribology, fluid mechanics and mechanical engineering, as well as to the students of relevant disciplines. Note that the authors are the world leaders in the field of the drag reduction so one will definitely suggest that the book is worth time spent.

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