

Maritime Law 4th Edition

Author(s) Yvonne Baatz and others
Publisher Informa Law from Routledge
Date 2018
Pages 1246
Format pdf & epub
Size 8 Mb







Written by the team of the world class maritime lawyers, this fourth edition of the title takes into account all latest developments in the field of the maritime law. The opening chapter of the publication is dealing with the conflict of laws including the arbitration, court arbitration, and governing law.

The shipbuilding and ship sale contracts and the associated obligations, registration of the ships, and essentials of the ship finance are covered in the second chapter while the third one deals with the international maritime trade and the relevant shipping paperwork; here, the basic terms, contract performance and other important aspects are covered.

Both time and voyage charterparties are discussed in the fourth chapter, while the fifth one is dealing with the bills of lading and cargo clams, covering such items as the carrier’s identity, proving the loss, potential liability of the claimant’s and others.

The topics covered in the rest of the volume include but are not limited to the carriage of passengers, liabilities of the ship, wreck removal, pilotage, salvage, limitation of liability etc. The tables of legislation and all relevant conventions and rules are provided at the end of the book.

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