The present official IMO publication is containing three basic and critically important regulatory instruments that are commonly used by the organization, directly dealing with the LSA, i.e. life-saving appliances. Those three instruments are the LSA Code, together with the Revised Recommendation of Testing of LSA, and, finally, the Code of Practice dealing with the prototype novel LSA.
The LSA Code was officially adopted during of the sixty-sixth session of the IMO MSC. The main objective of the document was to provide all participants of the shipping industry with the requirements that are applicable to the LSA commonly required y SOLAS Chapter III - this would typically include the personal LSA, for example lifebuoys and inflatable lifejackets, immersion/anti-exposure suits, various thermal protective aids, visual aids including pyrotechnics items, survival crafts including lifeboats, inflatable and rigid liferafts, rescue boats, various embarkation systems including MES, i.e. marine evacuation systems, linethrowers, general alarm and PA (public address) systems.
An absolutely must-have publication on board any vessel subject to compliance with the provisions that are outlined in the IMO SOLAS Convention. The crew members will have all required information related to all lifesaving appliances that they have or supposed to have on board their vessel.
The official annual review released by the ICS organization. The review starts with the Chairman's Overview. The chapters of this document are covering the following, according to the contents: Office Bearers and Secretariat; Key issues faced in 2014 - The BWM, standing for the "ballast water management", Low sulphur fuel, ILO MLC, Piracy matters, IMO Conventions; The Year in Review - Industry improvements, A call to overhaul SOLAS, Monitoring, reporting and reducing CO2, Arctic shipping, The Polar Code, Passenger ship and tanker safety, Places of refuge, Electronic navigation (including Malacca Strait), Manning and training, ILO minimum wage revision and seafarers' work hour regulations, General Average, The York Antwerp Rules, Competition issues, Passenger liability, China's shipping policy, Consultative Shipping Group, International trade negotiations, IMO FAL Convention, Shipbuilding policy, Tax issues, International accounting standards, Canal tolls, Flag State performance and PSC, Ocean governance, Publications, Administrative matters, Obituaries, ICS Board of Directors, ICS Committee Structure, ICS Membership. A good one for those willing to keep in touch with the recent developments in the industry.
The present formal release prepared by the Marine Division of IMCA is mainly intended to provide required technical guidance detailing a working framework of competence assurance as well as the assessment for the personnel who are considered critical for safety and working for all organizations that are forming the IMCA.
It has been prepared by the IMCA specialists on the basis of the numerous activity reports as well as relevant recommendations officially provided by several working groups. The publication is covering a truly wide range of positions within the marine, offshore and underwater engineering industries involved in serving the oil & gas exploration and production sector.
The authors of the volume are planning to further expand the content of the present guidance to a wider range of competencies. This nice volume aims to clearly specify the minimum applicable standards as well as qualifications plus the minimum professional experience to ensure the personnel competency, and the assurance framework that shows how exactly the proficiency should be developed and demonstrated.
The publication shall definitely be treated as an excellent reference paper that details the technical procedures, applicable criteria and recording system that should be implemented and further applied for proper assessing the competence of the "safety-critical" personnel.
The present formal paper prepared by the IMCA specialists and officially released by this organization has been primarily intended to assist all personnel involved in the offshore diving activities, contractor and client reps, owners of the vessels and crew members who are directly involved in the diving operations, OIMs (offshore installation managers) and rig managers employing divers, client representatives who are usually involved in the preparation of contracts and other documentation associated with the forthcoming diving operations, and in fact all other personnel involved in quality assurance and safety in any way.
The present IMCA Code is offering the examples of god working practice and provides all interested parties with necessary advice on different ways in which the offshore diving activities can be done safely and effectively. It has to be noted that the provisions of the present Code have no any legal status; however, so many courts would definitely take into consideration a fact that a company providing the offshore diving services, was carrying out the associated works using the safe and officially accepted working practices. Apart from the intro, the publication provides the explanation of the terms, duties and responsibilities, info on the equipment, personnel, medical matters, work planning, emergency and contingency plans, and documentation.
The title of this IMCA-released publication is self-explanatory - it is dedicated to the documentation related to the dynamic positioning systems installed on the ships. This volume appeared as a result of the thorough review, analysis and update of the 109 DPVOA publication released by Global Maritime years ago, in 1993. At that time the purpose was to work out a common technical approach to the documentation required to be carried on board DP ships.
There have been a number of serious developments since then resulted in completely new guidance papers, introduction of the ISM Code, CMID and others - and, of course, practical experience was gained and lessons were learned. The implementation and use of the computers has also played the significant role in accelerating of the process - it allowed a huge amount of information be available both on board and ashore in the electronic format easy to access and retrieve.
The present publication is aimed to provide all interested parties with a possible means of even better arrangement of the documentation relating to the shipboard DP systems. It shall be considered a non-mandatory but still very useful and practical guide to the relevant documentation. Numerous checklists included in this volume will also help the DP operators better arrange the associated documentation.
This document replaces an interim report of January 2012 and concerns the effectiveness of international regulations on ship's sulphur emissions, based on observation of ship inspections in the United Kingdom and Sweden and on interviews with regulators, inspectors and industry stakeholders. A second, related report is planned on issues concerning the enforcement of prospective regulations on vessels' carbon emissions.
There is currently a 'culture of compliance' in the industry, but operator compliance depends crucially on the perception that one's competitors are also compliant — the 'level playing field'. Only fragmentary lab-test evidence of compliance levels is available. On the one hand, some commercial laboratories have made available summaries of the test results from large numbers of samples sent to them for commercial purposes. These results are mainly valuable as an indicator of the proportions of off-spec fuel being supplied as bunkers, rather than as an indicator of regulatory avoidance, since ship operators practicing regulatory avoidance are unlikely to send samples for testing.
On the other hand, some authorities, such as the Swedish Maritime Administration and the Dutch Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, are collecting quasi random fuel samples for testing, but the numbers of such samples are small and some of the sampling may be intelligence-led...
SIRE 2.0 - Question Library - Part 1 - Chapters 1 to 7 Ver. 1.0
SIRE 2.0 - Question Library - Part 2 - Chapters 8 to 12 Ver. 1.0
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