

Marine Insurance Fraud

Author(s) Baris Soyer
Publisher Informa Law from Routledge
Date 2014
Pages 334
Format pdf
Size 4 Mb







One of the main objectives of this monograph by Baris Soyer, one of the world recognized exerts in the field of marine insurance, was to provide readers with a very comprehensive legal analysis of two aspects. The first is the impact that the marine insurance fraud has on the position of various involved parties to a contract of marine insurance, while the second is the cover that is provided by standard policies.

That is why the author of the present volume has divided it into two parts. The first part of the book is dedicated to the analysis of the impact of insurance fraud that is committed b a parties to the contract, i.e. the assured, insurers and brokers. The part two of the book, in turn, is mainly dealing with the analysis of the extent to which the dishonest activities of third parties to a contract (for example, ship crew members or even pirates) is actually covered by the existing standard marine policies.

Note that this volume was initially designed to offer readers a thorough analysis on frauds and that is why the author believes that it shall also discuss all above stated matters. Though the existing marine policies provide some cover against the fraudulent activity of third parties, it shall definitely be taken into account that the relationship between the insured risks and excluded perils could be quite difficult to ascertain...

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