

Marine insurance

Author(s) George Greenwood and others
Publisher ICS
Date 2015
Pages 290
Format pdf
Size 15 Mb







The marine insurance plays a critically important role giving the maritime shipping industry required confidence to trade by offering due financial protection against all potential transit and maritime losses that may be encountered. It goes without saying that without the insurance all shipping operations and associated transactions would get curtailed since the participants would have no other choice than to rely solely on the funds they possess and use them to cover the incidents and damages.

The marine insurance therefore delvers the invaluable briefing on the subject sector. The content of this publication has been developed by several world known and recognized experts in the field of marine insurance analyzing the Marine Insurance Act of 1906 and discussing the fundamental marine insurance principles. In addition to all stated above, in their work the contributing author have detailed all important aspects of particular vs. general average and provided information on the indemnity as well as third-party liability.

They have also provided readers with the examination of marine insurance claims together with the actual, constructive and compromised total loss concepts in detail, making them easily understandable.

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