Marine Engineering


The main content of the present training course has been prepared by Don Johnson from Texas University, U.S.A. It is made of numerous approximately thirty-minute-long video lectures supplemented with texts and problems. It will be very useful as it touches all fundamental ideas and make the student to understand the basics of electrical engineering.

Among the topics covered there are fundamentals of shipboard electrical signals and systems, circuit basics, extras, generalizing resistor circuits and signals in the frequency domain, digital signal processing and the Fourier transform, computing spectra, implementation of the digital filters, communication fundamentals, transmitting and receiving of the information, digital communication, communicating information.

Though it is quite obvious when you are looking at the content of the course, we would still like to underline that this course shall be highly recommended to all people involved in performing electrical engineering related tasks on board vessels; note, however, that it will be equally interesting and useful to the crew members and shore support personnel owing to the remarkably wide coverage of the topics.

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Another very short training animation. This one is dedicated to the processes occurring in the distillation column. The animation is quite self-explanatory and understandable even to the newcomers to the world of engineering. All components of the distillation column have been presented and their operation demonstrated.

Spend a couple of minutes with this video and get some knowledge of the working principle of the distillation column, this knowledge will definitely be beneficial for the marine engineers since this is a key process affecting the quality of the fuel oils that are, in turn, critically important for the safe and efficient operation of the engines installed on board their vessels.

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An excellent training video produced by Wartsila. Well, in fact, this is not a video but animation showing the main working principle of any diesel engine. The size of the video is so small that it can easily be saved on any hand-held device to be readily available at any time.

The explanations are supplementing the animation. Recommended to all people willing to understand the basic principle of diesel engine operation but not willing to spend too much of their time on it - just one minute spent on watching this animation and you will have a general idea of the engine operation!

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Nowadays, most of the vessels sailing the world's oceans are propelled by diesel engines. These engines provide maximum possible effect on a real minimum fuel oil consumption, of course provided they are given good technical care and kept well maintained.

The engineers may easily note that at the moment they are checking the current temperatures of the exhaust gases and cooling water. To make a more detailed further study of this marine diesel engine, let us leave the engineer with his instruments by the engine, and put sight glasses on the marine diesel engine from its top to bottom.

This will first of all reveal the moveable parts of the engine, namely pistons and piston rods, crossheads and crankshaft, connecting rod and many others... This video was prepared by B&W specialists and contains very useful technical information for all people dealing with the marine diesel engines.

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The "Diesel Engine Governors" is a short educational video film which was produced many years ago by the USSB, standing for the United States Submarine Base in New London under the technical direction of The Engineering Department of Submarine School.

Though it is quite aged, the film will still be quite useful for people willing to understand the fundamentals of the diesel machinery. It is not an obsolete film, it is classics and it will be appreciated not only by the professional marine engineers but also by all people interested in diesel engines.

The basic principles of the diesel engine governor operation are explained very clearly and will be understandable even to the non-technical people.

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This training video will be greatly appreciated by the students of marine engineering, that is for sure. It will be equally useful to the practicing marine engineers working on board vessels and involved in the operation and maintenance of the M32C power systems that are produced by Caterpillar and supplied for installation onboard seagoing ships.

The video allows you to have a look inside the virtual working engine without having to disassemble the real one. Such knowledge and understanding of the working principle of the engine is very important as it serves as the basis for making the further technical decisions related to the operation, maintenance and repair of the marine diesel engines.

Launch the video and you will see the process of dismantling of the cylinder head and removal of the piston not only shown to you but also explained in detail.

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This short video was prepared in order to demonstrate the real internal arrangement of the typical marine diesel engine.

The authors had made an excellent attempt to produce a very short training video that would illustrate how the engine is constructed and how it actually operates. Only one minute long but so interesting.

For sure, will be appreciated by all people trying to improve their knowledge of the diesel engines, their constructions and processes taking place during their operation. You should agree, it definitely deserves attention.

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