

marine ecosystems

Author(s) Antonio Cruzado
Publisher InTech
Date 2012
Pages 310
Format pdf
Size 19 Mb







Today, marine ecosystems shall definitely be considered quite a wide topic that includes so many different processes, geographical peculiarities and different groups of various bio-organisms. The present publication is a sort of collection of topics that in fact are not directly related to the matters stated above but rather telling the readers about the research that has been already conducted by groups of professional scientists that have been working all around the world; the only common element is the search for the excellence of the authors.

This book contains eleven chapters, with the opening chapter covering the threats that are there to the ultraoligoscopic systems. This chapter is followed by the one describing the process of modelling the dynamics of the pelagic ecosystem in north-west Mediterranean area. The remaining chapters of this book address the meiofauna as an instrument to be used for the bio-monitoring of the marine system, ecophysiology and evolution of the labytinthulomycetes, limiting the impact of bottom trawling, hydrocarbon contamination, chemical interactions, marine spatial planning, proper mapping of the seabed, plus some other really important issues. A good and useful publication aimed at all people having the real interest in marine ecosystems, taking into account the amount of the material as well as the way of presenting.

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