

Escort Carriers In Action

Author(s) Al Adcock, Joe Sewell, Don Greer
Publisher Squadron/Signal Publishing
Date 1996
Pages 50
Format pdf
Size 17 Mb







Another excellent publication of the highly successful and world popular "In action" series released by Squadron. The layout of the document provides the arrangement of the content by the escort carrier type and it is providing readers with brief but clear and understandable descriptions of the classes and their naval careers.

The text part of the volume has been worked out by Al Adcock, who is also the author of several other books presented here and dedicated to the landing crafts, destroyer escorts, light and heavy cruisers, and American ballistic missile subs and flush destroyers, and perfectly illustrated by Joe Sewell. The readers have already found this volume first class. Though the publication is not huge, its content is very informative.

The vessels addressed within present book have been called Kaiser Coffins and Jeep Carriers, and some of their names were even unprintable; however, regardless of what and how they were called, they actually performed the assigned tasks enabling them and the larger aircraft carriers of the British and American Navy fleets to fight the enemy.

The first experience of American Navy to fly off a deck of the vessel occurred in November of 1910 - that was a Curtiss biplane flying off the USS Birmingham. anchored in Chesapeake Bay and flying to the Norfolk Naval Base. However, the Navy had not been impressed...

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