Electrics & Electronics


Here is the 6th updated and revised release of the famous and world popular Electric Machinery. It retains the emphasis made by the author on the physical understanding of the learning material and the very fundamental principles that has always been one of the key outstanding features of this publication.

It is covering the fundamental concepts and some advanced topics specifically for the readers willing to cover the material in detail. There are several new chapters added in the book, such as the one dedicated to the power electronics, another one dealing with the torque and speed control and AC/DC electric motors, etc. There are also numerous practice problems and examples added for better illustration and understanding. The application of the MATLAB software has also been introduced to this new release of the book.

As a result, the book shall be considered a perfect referenced to be used when studying the electric machines since it brings all the major aspects of the energy conversion devices without making the material too difficult for understanding. In fact, the way author explains the relations of power with current and torque in the induction electric machines in maybe the best one when compared to other books available at the market.

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The Automar thematic network was developed with the specific intention of the authors to foster the Spanish innovation and research activities in the maritime industry aiming to strengthen their role in Europe. Fourteen chapters of the present publication collect the excellent contributions showing quite clearly the level of the scientific knowledge in maritime industrial sector achieved by the Spanish RTD.

We would expect that this publication might serve to promote the related technical knowledge as well as applications of the mechatronic and control systems that are currently being developed. The opening chapter has been dedicated to the latest advances on mechanical and thermal monitoring of the load applied to the marine diesel engines while the second chapter is mainly dealing with the ship pedestrian flow simulation.

And, among the other topics that have been covered within this book there is a good overview of the dynamic positioning systems of vessels, a research on predicting/avoiding the seasickness, a seekeeping laboratory where the experimental control tests can be conducted, identification of the math models for HSC, steering control, underwater robotics and even application of the climbing robots.

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The very original intention of Adrian Waygood, the author of the present publication on electrical engineering, was to provide all readers, mostly tradespersons and apprentices in the field of electrical technology, as well as any other persons who might require the proper knowledge of the electricity for their everyday work, with a basic intro to the electrical science. However, the author hopes that others, will also find this publication useful and interesting.

Though there are so many books supporting the regulations and some practical aspects of electrical training existing in the industry, by necessity these books are actually unable to cover the electrical science in any depth. Therefore, we may say that there is a tendency for many persons to have quite a weak technical understanding of the electrical science. Moreover, even a very basic examination of the questions/answers on the relevant websites, reveals a huge number of misconceptions on the subject of electricity. 

So, in fact these are the two areas that the author of this publication has tried to address, namely an improvement in the knowledge/understanding of the basics of the electrical science, and an attempt to eliminate most part of the above mentioned misconceptions that people do have about the present subject...

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This handbook has been the single source blockbuster containing all essential technical information related to the design and installation, as well as operation and maintenance of the electrical equipment and systems for more than a century. The present latest, revised and updated, release of the handbook includes the very latest advancements in transient voltage surge suppressors, fiber optics, grounding etc.

It is fully in line with the latest releases of the NSC (National Safety Code), NEC (National Electrical Code) and other regulatory documents, and features new info on electronic control of motors and on high efficiency electric motors. In addition to that, the handbook reflects all recent developments in circuits and their translations, wiring tables, transformers, lamp application tables and so much more. Any reader of the book will gain necessary theoretical plus valuable practical information and it should also be used when preparing for the electricians exams since it is very comprehensive.

The book may be used in the classroom as well as for the self-study. You will see that this publication will for sure help you resolve nearly all possible technical questions. This is not an exhaustive reference source on any single subject but rather a perfect reference to provide the general overview.   

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