

Classical Dynamics - A Contemporary Approach

Author(s) J. Vose, E. J. Saletan
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Date 1998
Pages 670
Format pdf
Size 22 Mb







A fascinating book on classical mechanics telling the story of what actually physics attempts to do. The text part is remarkably clear and understandable, and the mathematics is utilized wonderfully. The book will be of great interest for all categories of readers irrespective of their level. The specialists and graduates will treat it as a sort of popular text that will help them to get the understanding of the concepts of physics of highest levels.

The students, in turn, may use it as an excellent reference book for their courses. The readers have found this volume to be nice, fully up to date and using modern terminology. The authors have explained and used linear forms in a fairly explicit manner. Most of the subjects have been covered and this makes this volume a real encyclopedia of contemporary classical mechanics.

The content features detailed discussion of geometry that will be appreciated by the students. According to others, the title is not only perfectly written but it is really inspiring. The derivations presented in the book will give readers due insight to the process and motivations of physics. In short, this is a book for those with deep interest in mechanics and willing to dig to a bit deeper depth than any standard textbook on mechanics may offer.

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