Class Rules & Guides


The present publication contains the DNV GL interpretations of the provisions of SOLAS convention. Subject interpretations may be relating to the matters left to the satisfaction of Flag authorities or, in some cases, ones vaguely worded. Note that the document only covers some particular selected topics and shall not be considered as the complete SOLAS interpretation by DNV GL classification society. The sequence of the chapters and their content more or less reflects the arrangements of the SOLAS Convention.

While the first opening section of the guide book is purely introductory, the next seven sections making the main part of the book contain the interpretations of the provisions related to the construction of the vessel, fire protection/detection/extinction. requirements of the FSS and IMSBC Codes, lifesaving equipment and arrangements on board together with the relevant requirements of the LSA Code, radio communications and GMDSS, safety of navigation and requirements of the ISM Code, as well as the special measures taken in order to enhance maritime security. Definitely needful publication for the crew members and support personnel of the vessel classed with this classification society as well as to all other people involved.

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The latest edition of the DNV GL standard released to specify the fundamental principles and general requirements and guidelines for the site specific technical design of lifeboats of the free-fall type together with their launching appliances including davits, release units and skids. There are three main areas of focus in this document.

The first is the structural safety covering the safety of the lifeboat hull and canopy against any sort of structural damage, The second area is the human safety addressing the limitation imposed on the human body acceleration. Finally, the third area of concern is the headway, meaning enough forward speed of the lifeboat after launching.

The standard provides internationally recognized safety standard for this types of lifeboats, defining the minimum applicable requirements for the lifeboat design and construction materials, operation, maintenance, repair and requalification.

The document may serve as a valuable technical reference containing necessary information about the design that will be useful for the lifeboat designers, contractors/purchasers and regulatory bodies. All main aspects have been covered including environmental conditions and design philosophy, structural design, load effects, basic design principles and many others.

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The purpose of the present DNV GL standard is to describe the certification service which is provided by this classification society for the small craft industry. It is dealing mainly with the commercial craft; however, the recreational craft not falling under the scope of relevant EU Directives are also addressed. The certification process is intended to provide the acceptable safety level for the boats of different types. applications and design limitations.

Both safety and technical standards are treated as adequate for the commercial crafts with the lengths varying from six to twenty-four meters and moving with a maximum speed not exceeding forty-five knots. Special consideration shall be applied for the crafts having the length or max speed outside the limits indicated above.

This standard book starts with the introduction to the certification process followed by the chapters dealing with the certification systematics, established procedures that shall be followed, testing and sea trial. arrangement and safety of the personnel on board, watertight and weathertight integrity and stability of the craft, FRP materials and thermoplastics, general requirements to the materials, material properties presented in a data table, design loads and principles, structural design and many other important topics.

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The present recommended practice issued by DNV GL, one of the world leaders in classification, was released to provide required technical recommendations applicable to the assessment of the pipelines that contain corrosion defects and subjected either to the internal procedure loading only or loading taken together with the longitudinal compressive stresses.

The publication describes two approaches that are used to perform the assessment of the different defects of corrosive nature, differing with their design philosophy. The content of the document is presented in five sections providing general info and describing the methodology, allowable stress and calibrated safety factor approaches, together with the useful references.

There are also five appendices giving real examples for both of the above mentioned approaches to the assessment of defects, and addressing such important areas as the calculation of the measurement accuracies, burst capacity equation and devoted to the proper assessment of the long axial defects. An excellent and highly informative publication prepared by the recognized specialists in the field and containing all necessary information.

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The DNV GP RP, i.e. recommended practice, devoted to the column stabilised, or semi-submersible, mobile offshore drilling units. It is presenting the recommendations applicable to the strength analysis of the main structural members of these units. The methods that are outlines in the present document have been mainly developed for the analyses or ring pontoon- and twin pontoon semi-submersible units.

This should be taken into consideration as necessary. The RP starts with the general information section where the design principles and parameters are addressed including design conditions and limit states and where important concept differences are explained. The next section is dealing with the environmental loads and conditions, covering both regular and irregular wave parameters, wave theory, wave loads and all other aspects involved.

The rest of the sections cover the design loads including accidental and deformation loads and sea and tank pressures, global response analysis, global structural model, local structural analysis including damaged structure and superimposing responses, strength criteria. In addition, the document covers support of the mooring equipment , transit conditions etc.

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The DNV GL service specification containing procedural requirements relating to the certification of the pipeline components and particularly for obtaining and subsequent retaining certificates as well as other conformity statements to the organizations, personnel, objects and operations.

The content of the document is describing the certification for the pipeline components that are commonly used in the subsea pipeline systems including repair components. It is also identifying the verification activities that are required for proper certification of the components including their design, manufacturing and finally testing. It shall apply to the certification of all components.

The objectives of the present specification include provision of the description of the certification service and platform for communicating between parties involved, definition of the deliverables, certification procedures, extent of the verification activities etc.

The certification would normally apply to the components containing pressure and cover the isolated components excluding connecting sections, supports and associated structures not considered a part of the pipeline component. It will account for the max forces transferred to the pipeline component from the sections under installation, operation and testing.

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The DNV GL standard for the certification of the container securing devices providing required guidance through a whole process of certification. The content of the document is covering the procedures and applicable requirements for obtaining the relevant product certificates for subject securing devices.

While the opening chapter of the Standard is pretty introductory and contains general information, the second chapter describes the certificates including how and when they are required and issued, and the certification procedure. The next chapter is devoted to the materials used and welding issues - it is addressing the support fittings and securing equipment, heat treatment and the mechanical tests.

The fourth chapter deals with the type approval of the securing devices and guides readers through the plan approval process, prototype and operational testing. The remaining chapters of the document provide information about the case-by-case approval used as an alternative to the generally used type approval, production testing of the support fittings, lashing assemblies and non-standardized securing equipment. Finally, the volume concludes with the information about the identification marking of the manufactures and tested items.

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Another DNV GL publication providing guidance on cathodic protection - this one may be used together with the cathodic protection design related recommended practice and is devoted to the protection of submarine pipelines. Subject pipelines are normally designed using the external coating as primary corrosion control system. However, a CP, standing for the cathodic protection, is still provided serving as back-up for any deficiency that may be there in the primary coating.

These deficiencies usually include damages to the coating occurring in the course of the transportation of the pipe and its installation, mechanical damage, coating degradation etc. The detailed and thorough design of the coating systems and due control of the quality are, in turn, primary factors. The cathodic protection is normally achieved by means of galvanic anodes or impressed current from rectifier. The galvanic anodes are often referred to as sacrificial anodes and they are mainly used for the protection of submarine pipelines.

These systems are traditionally self-supporting and all anodes comprising the system are installed directly on the pipe using the bracelet type anodes that clamp around the line and electrically connect to the pipe in an individual manner. The design of the cathodic protection systems applied for protection of the submarine pipelines is carried out in two stages, namely conceptual and detailed design...

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