

Basic Coastal Engineering

Author(s) Robert M. Sorensen
Publisher Springer
Date 2006
Pages 330
Format pdf
Size 3 Mb







This is the third edition of the title, updated and fully revised, and completely rewritten with the aim to make numerous corrections and additions to the material and also to improve the already existing information. The book is mainly intended to serve as an introduction to the wave mechanics plus different coastal processes together with the basics underlining the currently establishes coastal engineering practices.

The content of the document will be of great practical use for students and in fact everyone having some basic engineering background. The readers are not expected to have any fluid mechanics or math background. This classic publication is offering readers a well-rounded intro to coastal engineering. Note that it will present particular practical interest to the practicing engineers and scientists who did not have any formal study in this field but who are willing to get familiar with coastal engineering.

The material included into the book is covering literally all coastal processes and this list includes mechanisms that are commonly causing changes to the beach profiles, beach equilibrium profiles, design and characteristics of the coastal entrances and wealth of other relevant information. A reference source for people wishing to understand the fundamental concepts in coastal engineering without going too deep in math.

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