P&I Publications


A very useful publication released by the Korea P&I Club. The document is intended to provide necessary guidance to handling fuels on board ships and will be of great practical interest to all crew members. The content of this booklet was composed by the recognized experts of the shipping industry willing to pass their knowledge and experience, contributing to the prevention of the accidents that frequently occur during the shipboard operations; it also addresses the most important and effective measures that shall be taken to ensure that the extent of the damage in case of the accident is minimized.

In the meantime, every effort was made by the authors to reduce the theoretical information and concentrate on real life practical issues. The book opens with the introductory part followed by the real case study of the bunkering accident which is offered to the readers to analyze.

The next two chapters of the document deals with the bunker characteristics and established bunkering procedures that shall be explained to and followed by all parties involved at any time. The bunker supply contract is covered in a separate chapter. The booklet closes with the chapter on handling bunker claims.

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The officially released publication containing the fixed premium rules valid for the 2021-22 policy year. The content of the document is arranged in six sections. The first section provides the information about the Directors of the Standard Club including Europe and Asia, while the second section is devoted to the Managers and gives contact details for the quality management, compliance and risk management, finance and secretariat, and loss prevention directors, surveyors and executives, as applicable, in different parts of the world.

The third section of the volume contains the Rules themselves and is, in turn, divided into several parts covering insurance, scope of cover, risks covered, excluded risks and losses, scope of recovery and associated limits, obligations related to the claims, application and entry, ship standards, risk reviews, insurance period, premiums, general terms, conditions and definitions.

The next section is dealing with the additional covers. The last two sections of the publication address the oil spills in the U.S. and provide all required maps and correspondents. In short, one of the needful and practically useful papers, the one that shall be readily available at all times.

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This official UK P&I Club publication is devoted to delivery of the cargo transported by ships without original bills of lading. It is quite common to accept and LOI, standing for the letter of Indemnity, for a lot of trades including oil and bulk cargo transportation. It should be noted, however, that even these Letters o Indemnity are usually accepted, thee can be serious consequences of this non-performance.

The P&I cover will be prejudices should the cargo be delivered against such Letter and claims arise in connection with mis-delivery of the cargo. That is why it is considered absolutely essential to get the correct wording of the Letter; it is also critically important for the Members to ensure that there are proper procedures in place and implemented for demonstration of compliance with the Letter.

All counter party risks concerned with accepting a Letter shall be considered as well. In fact, the Letter is only as secure as the party that provides it. It is now quite normal practice to have an LOI and deliver a cargo without Bill of Lading, though it is not recommended. However, the original bills may not be available in many cases due to the delays in documentation and other issues.

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This compact publication was released by the UK P&I Club with the intention to provide Japanese Club members with the guidance on the pre-employment medical examination program that is currently in place. The P&I industry commonly deals with the third-party liability claims raised against the operators of the vessels for illnesses, personal injuries and death - the total amount of the claims reached four hundred million dollars a year.

The crew illness claims represent about forty-six per cent of the claims. It has been noted that this problem is particularly acute for the operators of the Japanese vessels. Subject claims are complex in nature and they attract various costs - they can typically incur the costs from repatriation and sickness wages as well as medical treatment and compensation for disability.

Of course, serving on board Japanese vessels is not the actual cause of this all, but the Japanese shipping industry has undergone several significant changed in the past decade, and one of the changes was the internationalization of the operational control combined with the establishment of the overseas management based in Asia and other regions... Have a look in this paper and get some more information on this.

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The UK P&I Club publication - Guide to People Claims - deals with the documentation and information that are normally required to handle the claims effectively. The information contained in the present official paper is mainly intended to give necessary details of the documentation and info that will be required by the members of the Club to quickly starts their claims.

The opening section of the booklet is Leadership in Action and provides general introduction followed by the list of team members. The flowchart of what shall be done and expected in the cases of injury and crew illness is provided. The next three sections of the booklet are dealing with the information that is required by the P&I Club in cases of any new crew illness and injury claims, death claims and third party or stevedore claims.

The professional advice for stowaways is given showing the measures to be taken in order to prevent stowaways and what to do if a stowaway is found. Information required in connection with the new stowaway, new passenger and new deviation claims is also described. The paper also contains standard form to be used for the re-imbursement requests. Have a look and you will have all necessary guidance.

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The official guidance publication issued by the UK P&I Club to provide information about the so-called PEME, standing for the pre-employment medical examination programme. Subject UK P&I Club programme has been named the leading and most effective initiative in the field of loss prevention within the Club. All clinics approved under PEME will be accountable to the Club and all its Members for performance.

The scheme has been specifically designed in order to protect owners of the ships from the claims that commonly arise from the medical conditions that were existing before employment. Another goal is to provide the crew members with the perfect health checks before they go to work at sea.

In fact this program is deservedly considered most inclusive and remarkably extensive system currently available in the maritime shipping industry and is one of the fundamental elements of the loss prevention scheme established in the Club.

This compact booklet will provide the basic information about the program, starting with the introduction. The chapters of the booklet cover the examination schemes, the Crew Health process and relevant advice, testimonials and other information.

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The present booklet which has been officially published by The Standard Club is devoted to the misdeclared cargo. The transportation of such cargo can actually become a worst nightmare for any ship owner. It can sometimes lead even to the major casualties and put the safety of the crew, the vessel and cargo on board, as well as the environment at significant risk. In fact misdeclaration of the cargoes should not be treated as any new phenomenon.

There have been numerous incidents involving misdeclared cargo. The content of this document has been arranged in five sections with the first section being purely introductory. The second section is dealing with the misdeclared transportation of the calcium hypochlorite. The next two sections address the cargo incident notification system, organization, and the experience of the P&I Club members in the field of misdeclared goods.

The publication concludes with the information about the rights of recovery relating to the misdeclared dangerous goods. Though the volume is very compact, its content will be very useful to any person engaged in transportation of the cargoes by sea that is why we recommend everyone to have a close look in it.

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This informational booklet released by Signum has been devoted solely to this unique organization engaged in the investigation of the maritime crime for the Members of the UK P&I Club. This is the in-house investigation department operating as an integral part of the Club and offering bespoke investigation services. The main and primary task of this entity is to make sure that the confidential, professional and immediate responses are provided during the investigation of the various maritime crimes.

The professionals of this company have been providing their services for more than sixty years accumulating huge experience and knowledge. The qualifications of the Signum investigators enables the company to get involved in the investigation of any maritime incidents involving criminality. One of the typical investigations conducted by the Signum specialists involves containerized transportations of the high value cargoes gone missing.

The requests for assistance and investigation are normally received from the Club's executives; alternatively, they may be initiated directly by the Club Members. The problems are then identified and all available documentation collated and reviewed.

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